Coastguard van:

Barrels containing corrosive liquid removed from beach

This in from the council, in their own words. Ed

The Isle of Wight Council is working with the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service, HM Coastguard and Hampshire Constabulary this afternoon after five 25 litre containers washed up on Ryde beach.

The cans, containing a potentially corrosive liquid, have been collected by the fire service and taken from the scene in their specialist chemical recovery trailer for safe disposal.

Agencies are continuing to monitor the coastline this afternoon in case more containers are washed up. Should members of the public discover any containers on the Island’s beaches they are advised not to approach them, and requested to report their location to the Isle of Wight Council by calling (01983) 821000 or (01983) 821105 out of office hours so that collection can be arranged.

Image: © Used with the kind permission of Julian Winslow