Council Urges Residents To Help Vulnerable Neighbours

Great advice in from the council. If you can manage it, do check up on your neighbours. Ed

Council Urges Residents To Think Of Vulnerable NeighboursThe IW Council is urging residents to be a good neighbour and help look after all those who may be most at risk from the freezing conditions.

As part of this, the authority is also encouraging residents not to be put off from clearing their own pathways and pavements outside their properties.

During the last big freeze in January, there was feeling that residents who took such steps could be sued if someone subsequently slipped on a site they had cleared.

OK to clear pavement outside house
However Government advice is clear and its website Directgov states:

“There’s no law stopping you from clearing snow and ice on the pavement outside your home or from public spaces. It’s unlikely you’ll be sued or held legally responsible for any injuries on the path if you have cleared it carefully.

“If you clear snow and ice yourself, be careful – don’t make the pathways more dangerous by causing them to refreeze. But don’t be put off clearing paths because you’re afraid someone will get injured.

“Remember, people walking on snow and ice have responsibility to be careful themselves.”

The site includes information on how to clear a pathway safely. This advice includes: Clear the snow or ice early in the day, use salt or sand – not water, take care where you move the snow, and offer to clear your neighbours’ paths.

Check on vulnerable neighbours
The council is also asking residents to be a good neighbour by keeping an eye on vulnerable people in the community

Ian Anderson, director of community services, said: “Already we have heard plenty of stories of people being good neigbours by offering assistance to other people in the community.

“When I moved to the Island I was aware that there was a very strong community spirit here and it has not taken very long to witness that myself. The Island does seem to rally round in times of need.

“This is important because at times like this those that are most vulnerable may be in need of assistance. We would ask that people do keep a particular eye on neighbours who may appreciate a bit of support.”

For more advice on steps you can take to help yourselves and neighbours during the freezing weather, visit

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