chris whitehouse on netflix zoomed

Councillor apparently browsing Netflix during most important council meeting of the year

At last night’s Isle of Wight council meeting, whilst councillors were debating and voting on the next year’s budget, one councillor was spotted browsing through the online video streaming service, Netflix.

Isle of Wight Labour’s youth and student officer, Willoughby Matthews, was sitting in the public gallery, which looks down onto the chamber where Cllr Whitehouse was sitting.

Will told OnTheWight,

“I couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked down, there was an elected member of the Isle of Wight Council, in the middle of a serious budget meeting, playing on Netflix! While people on the Island struggle to make ends meet, one of the people meant to be discussing it obviously has other things on his mind.

“If I was a resident of Newport West, I’d be asking some serious questions”

OnTheWight wrote to Cllr Whitehouse inviting a comment,

We’re writing an article about the photos taken from the public gallery at last night’s budget meeting where you are clearly seen browsing Netflix during the budget debate.

Would you like to comment as to why your full attention was not given to the debate?

Despite many attempts to contact him, at the time of publishing Cllr Whitehouse had not provided a comment.

Image: © Willoughby Matthews