Cowes Enterprise College: Move to new building postponed, again

Anyone closely following the construction of the new Cowes Enterprise College building site will not be surprised to hear that once again, handover to the school has been delayed.

Last night students of Cowes Enterprise College were informed that the scheduled move into the long-awaited new school buildings on 6th November would not take place. Instead they were informed to return to the old school building at 8.30am on the first day of term.

The new school buildings, being constructed by Pihl UK Ltd, have been blighted by many delays over the period of development.
We’re told that pupils were initially promised in September 2011 they’d be using the buildings by April 2012, then September 2012, then November 2012 and now a further delay with no actual date moving in date being given.

Unrealistic confidence?
Back in August Janet Newton, Isle of Wight Council deputy director of schools and education services, said, “We are confident the building will actually be ready to handover in September but we have to plan around a school holiday to transfer all the necessary equipment and furniture. It would cause too much disruption to do this in term time.”

However, a concerned parent of two students at the school told On The Wight, “Anyone with any common sense could see that it was nowhere near finished weeks ago.”

They went on to say, “Both my children attend the school and I am really concerned that they will not even move in this side of Christmas given the lack of progress on the site and a new date guideline not in the letter provided. This will cause disruption to the children’s lessons as most teachers have already provisioned for teaching in the new building at the start of next term. Surely the council should have been better prepared on this and made decisions a lot sooner.”

Pupil concerned for ‘A’ Levels
Another student got in touch and told On The Wight, “I’m concerned as to the effect that this will have on our ‘A’ Levels. This is the second time that teachers have been told to move EVERYTHING, so everything has been packed twice and now needs to be unpacked again – this is time that could be used planning lessons, marking work etc.

“We’ve had to delay doing practicals in science because everything has been put in boxes ready for the move.”

“Decision taken … to delay our occupation of the new building” says Principal
Last night parents and students were sent the following letter from the Principal, Mr J Russell.

Dear Parent/Carer

Cowes Enterprise College – New Building Occupation

Following an urgent meeting, of today, between all the partners involved in the new build project the decision has been reluctantly taken to delay our occupation of the new building from that in our published timetable for transition.

Can I ask that on the 6th of November, the first scheduled day of the new half-term, that your children report to the old College building at 8.30am for a normal College day.

Whilst we are sorry to take this decision it has been done in the desire to ensure that we are fully able to meet our duty to the safeguarding of your children and the safe operation of our new site. At this stage we are hopeful of being able to be in full occupation of the new building on or shortly after the final date we have published.

On the 6th November we will communicate an updated timetable for the transition to you. Once again our apologies for this delay but I am sure you will recognise the importance of us ensuring the safety of all pupils and our staff.

Yours sincerely

Mr J Russell

We have posed several questions to Janet Newton at the council over the delays and hope to update readers later today.

Thanks to the many pupils and parents who got in touch with On The Wight about this news last night.

Update: Article updated with changes to the dates the school said it would open

Image: Cowes Enterprise College building site, taken late August 2012