CEC Students cooking with Robert Thompson on TV show

Cowes Enterprise College students to feature on BBC Morning Live for foraging segment

Students at Cowes Enterprise College are set to appear on television once again on BBC One, as their 2022 The One Show segment with renowned chef Robert Thompson and BBC presenter Chris Bavin is being replayed on Morning Live this Friday, 20th September

In the segment, Year 7 student Louie foraged wild ingredients like delicious blackberries and apples with his stepfather, Robert Thompson, a renowned Isle of Wight chef. The pair were joined by Chris Bavin, well-known for hosting Eat Well for Less? and Britain’s Best Home Cook, as they explored the joys of foraging and cooking with nature’s bounty. 

“It’s just a bit of an adventure really”
Louie shared his enthusiasm for foraging, saying,

“I like being out in the fresh air in the mornings and looking through bushes – it’s just a bit of an adventure really.” 

The importance of mindful foraging
Robert Thompson highlighted the importance of mindful foraging, reminding viewers to leave enough for local wildlife. Back at Cowes Enterprise College, Robert led an insightful masterclass in cooking, teaching students how to make apple tarts with blackberry compote using their very own foraged ingredients. 

One student said it was “one of the best puddings he had ever had,” while others expressed their excitement to try cooking with foraged ingredients at home.

Cookery masterclass
The cooking masterclass was part of the comprehensive cooking curriculum, where students can access excellent kitchen facilities, learn the importance of nutrition, problem-solving, and sustainability through real-world cooking challenges.  

The broad learning opportunities form part of the academy’s aim to inspire a passion for food, while equipping students with valuable skills they can carry into the future.

Kitley: We’re committed to offering enriching experiences that help educate for life
Rachel Kitley, Principal at Cowes Enterprise College, said,

“It was wonderful to see our students so engaged in this unique experience of foraging and cooking.

“We’re incredibly thankful to Robert Thompson, Chris Bavin, and the BBC for giving our students this exciting opportunity.

“At Cowes Enterprise College, we’re committed to offering enriching experiences that help educate for life.” 

News shared by Kira on behalf of Cowes Enterprise College. Ed