Cowes Library Supporters Celebrate National Libraries Day

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Thanks to Amber for sharing news of the celebrations at Cowes Library last weekend. In her own words. Ed

Holly and HuxleyCowes Library and its Supporters had a fun packed National Libraries Day on 4th February with giant jenga, twister, jitterbugs and dressing up in the morning.

This was followed by storyteller Sue Bailey and Huxley the Magic Man in the afternoon who kept the children (and adults) captivated.

Refreshments were donated by the Supporters.

Lots going on
Local Councillor, Paul Fuller was available to talk with people about any issues, Cowes Heritage Group, Health Trainer information and one to one computer training sessions were also features on the day, along with a prize draw for children and adults who left a suggestion about what they would like to see or do in the library.

Anyone who introduced a new member or became a new member on the day received a free DVD hire.

Launching his Beautiful Wight collection, Christian Beasley displayed photographs from around the Island.

MP Andrew Turner popped in for a chat with Supporters and staff as did Cllr Lora Peacey-Wilcox.

Amber Bazzoni, Chairperson of the Supporters of Cowes Library, said “It was a fantastic day. The library was packed with people and we raised £90 on the day with all proceeds going to the Supporters of Cowes Library Fund.”

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Image: © Used with the kind permission of Christian Beasley