Good job sign:

Culture at Academy has been ‘transformed’ in just a matter of months

Fantastic news for Ryde Academy to end the term on, their latest Ofsted inspection report reveals the school is taking effective action to tackle the areas requiring improvement.

Regime change brought great results
The inspectors say that Academies Enterprise Trust (AET) acted decisively to change the leadership of the academy following the inspection in January.

The new principal, Joy Ballard – recently named as Headteacher of the Year – replaced the controversial head, Dr Roy Fox. Two vice-principals and 21 teachers also left the academy.

“Transformation of the culture”
The report goes on to highlight the impact Ms Ballard has had on the school,

“Since Joy Ballard joined the Academy in September 2015, she has made an immediate impact. Building on the steps taken by the interim leadership team she has led a transformation of the culture within the Academy.

“Students and staff are clearly enjoying working within the collaborative ethos which pervades the school. During the inspector’s visits to classrooms, the atmosphere was purposeful and students were appropriately involved in a range of activities.

“It was clear that the students knew what was expected of them during the lessons. No low-level disruption was observed.”

Staff have “embraced so much change”
Principal, Joy Ballard, told OnTheWight,

“I am so very pleased for the staff here who have embraced so much change since I started in September. Our students are amazing and really stepped up to the challenge of demonstrating to Her Majesty’s Inspector how far we have come in such a short amount of time.

“We know we have more to do to get there, but we are well on our way and making great strides in our journey towards excellence. I am really proud of everyone involved.”

Support for GCSE students
The change in culture at the school was slightly too late to avoid the drop in unvalidated 2015 GCSE results, but Ofsted recognise the school are now “meticulously tracking the progress of current Year 11 students in each subject and planning interventions to meet their learning needs”.

Rapid improvements of standards in English and achievement in mathematics since September are accelerating, say the school.

Chair of Governors, Lesley Holmes, said;

“That HMI recognised the gains made by staff and students in a relatively short period is testament to Joy Ballard’s leadership at Ryde Academy. I am confident that the Academy will continue at this pace on the journey to an Ofsted ‘good’ judgement this year because of the commitment and support of staff, governors, students and parents. We are well aware of the task ahead, but the Academy’s determination to achieve will ensure we succeed.”

The report
Full details can be seen in the report below. Click on the full screen icon to see larger version.

Image: Bark Bud under CC BY 2.0