Damien’s Gig: Have You Got Your Tickets Yet?

There is less than a week to go before the Damien’s Gig

Englane:What had started off as a plan for a small school disco to raise money for the Damien Nettles Reward Fund has snowballed into massive gig being held at Cowes Yacht Haven next week.

Friday 20th April is the date to put in your diaries when several acts, including singer/songwriter EnglanE (pictured), Island bands Cornerstone and The Ohmz, as well as The Zarrs (coming down from London), will be performing at the event centre in Cowes.

Capacity for the event is 1,000 so organisers are hoping it will be a sellout and raise £10,000 through ticket sales.

Tickets can be bought through eBay for £10 each or can be bought on the door.

Image: © Marc Jaytin

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