Daydreaming Alice

Cassandra Gardiner: Daydreaming

Cassandra Gardiner returns with this week’s offering. Guest opinion articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the publication. Ed

Sometimes a mind wanders, focus drifting, I find myself daydreaming. Is it feckless to think the benefits are tangible – an abstraction of thought, sub-conscious purge, time-out for a frazzled brain and creativity.

In my world, whilst I do get a little annoyed that time isn’t being used effectively, entering a harmonious and boundless state is alluring. Letting-go of the anchor and floating gently outward or is it inward? Submitting my senses (and heart) to possibilities of chance and illusion.

A magical journey
Mystically taken, gentle smiles easing my face, warming; in a just-before-tired state, my limbs dangle as my eyes soak-in the brightness. A gentle knock of heart-beat, blurring sounds waltzing with moments of silence, dainty air-streams lift and flow, twinkling blips, inside peacefulness takes-over, floating within indiscriminate eternal thoughts. Body drooping, slurring into the seat, simply emitting calm.

Stoking life with charm and playfulness, reverie skits around, like magic mushrooms in a play-field of delight, sun-bleached colours and scentless. Surfaces submerge, distant themes become hues of light fading into air. Little microbes lift and float like dandelion spurs caught on the wind. No time here, just placid, released, unchartered and free.

A perfect day
Licking my lips, blinking, shoulders and ribs lifting-up and outward, dropping back further into the chair. Occasionally a twitch, a reflex perhaps to a fleeting thought, incalculable and of no intent.

Slowly, I focus on an orchid, pixie faces smiling with white bonnets, bunched together as little children do, singing, elegant and upright. The music sinks in and I remember, what a lovely day.

To read more of Cassandra Gardiner‘s work, visit her blog.

Image: softestthing under CC BY 2.0