Disposal Of Ventnor Botanic Garden

Finally, just over a year after VentnorBlog broke the story that the Ventnor Botanic Garden might be sold off back in August 2010, the Isle of Wight council has issued papers with a recommendation “To transfer Ventnor Botanic Garden by inviting expressions of interest in a property disposal”.

Ventnor Botanic Garden: Council Are Looking At Selling It OffReleasing the long-anticipated document late on a Friday afternoon, as the Isle of Wight council appears to do with potentially-controversial documents, minimises the attention it will receive, as well as ensuring that it won’t be in the CP this week.

Please examine it
We have plans tonight, so can’t examine the details of what’s proposed. Please feel free to read it over (we embedded it below for your convenience) and leave comments as to what you find.

The Disposal Of Ventnor Botanic Garden – Delegated Decision