East Cowes esplanade

East Cowes residents having a say in the future of their community

East Cowes residents have shared ideas for the future of their community in draft proposals for a new Town Plan. This plan will set out a vision of what East Cowes will be like to live and work in over the next fifteen years, and how that vision can be achieved.

Adopted Town and Neighbourhood Plans are meant be considered by the Isle of Wight Council in decisions on planning applications, infrastructure, economic regeneration and housing development.

Fifteen draft proposals
18% of all 3,850 households in East Cowes responded to a detailed seven-page questionnaire in August and September this year. The document released today (Thursday) compiles the wishes and concerns of East Cowes residents from 4,886 pages of survey data into fifteen draft proposals which can be taken forward to the next stage of the town plan process.

These draft proposals include:

  • A permanent pedestrian and cycle bridge connecting East and West Cowes which allows taller vessels to pass on demand
  • The ‘Round the Island’ cycle route upgraded to provide safe junctions, reduced speed limits and clear road markings
  • Support for existing business and start-ups, including parcel & pallet logistics for town centre traders
  • A weekly open-air market selling fresh food and local produce in the town centre
  • Limited leisure and hospitality development on the the Esplanade to help fund clearing the 2014 landslip
  • A new dinghy park on the Esplanade, with public toilets re-opened and vehicle parking for disabled people
  • Allocation of sites for an open-air swimming pool and an indoor sports centre in the town
  • New routes for signposted footpaths and bridleways to connect the town to the countryside
  • Setting aside land for housing young and disabled people on brownfield sites in the town
  • Closer links between Osborne House and the town to increase tourist spend in the local economy

Book for online workshop
An online workshop will be held on the 7th December at 7pm to refine these proposals.

Residents of East Cowes and local stakeholders who wish to participate in shaping the Town and Neighbourhood Plans can get involved by registering for this workshop on EventBrite or by phoning consultants Plan Research on the local rate phone number 0845 508 3085.

The 18 page PDF document featuring the first draft of the community’s proposals for the Town Plan can be seen below.

News shared by Daniel James on behalf of Plan Research. Ed

Image: © with kind permission of Les Lockhart