Union jack bunting hung up

Eco-friendly bunting ideas to help keep our oceans free of single-use plastic

If you’ve already bought your Jubilee bunting then please don’t bin it at the end of celebrations.

  • Donate to a community organisation that can re use another time
  • Take it to a charity shop
  • Leave at Lesley’s nutshell, Ventnor and we will collect for reuse

Alternative to single use plastic
If you haven’t yet bought your Jubilee bunting, then think about a last minute alternative to single use plastic or paper etc:

  • Use pieces of fabric from clothes/sheets that can’t be worn again, you could just hand tack or safety pin so the pieces can be used again in a different combination.
  • Use scraps of paper or packaging, ask friends and family for red white and blues or get creative and use all colours
  • If you’ve anything red white and blue e. g plastic spades, socks, toys anything light enough and something that won’t get too wet if it rains, you can tie this from your string for a truly individual bunting!

Share your resource saving bunting ideas via social media.

Reusing and using less means we use less energy, less of the World’s resources and create less waste to help our Oceans.

News shared by Sarah on behalf of Planet Aware. Ed

Image: king s church under CC BY 2.0