whitgar morris dancers

Ever thought about joining a Morris team? Now’s your chance

Thanks to Alan Garnett from the Whitgar Morris Team for sharing details of this opportunity with OnTheWight readers. Ed

Are you interested in learning to dance the Morris, in the Cotswold / Welsh Border Tradition?

Whitgar Morris, a mixed group open to all ages, is recruiting new dancers and musicians between now and 15th December 2015

We practice on a Tuesday at St Mark’s Church Hall, Station Road, Wootton Bridge from 7:30pm until 9:30pm.

The current weekly subscription on practice nights is £1.50.

If you’d like to give it a try, contact our Scribe, Alan by calling 07729612467.
or emailing [email protected]

Alternatively, you can just turn up any Tuesday, at St Mark’s Church in Wootton Bridge.

More detail on the Facebook Group.

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