discovery bay - ian boyd with children and parents

Exploring 100 million years of Sandown Bay wildlife, from ammonites to cuttlefish

Claire shares details of these upcoming events. Ed

On Sunday 14th October (10am ’til 4pm) become a Bayologist and celebrate National Biology Week and Earth Science Week right here in Discovery Bay with a day stuffed full of life science activities for all ages.

Try out our powerful microscopes, sieve for life in the soil, fire up the mighty bug hoover, dip for pondlife and fill up our wildlife aquarium, and marvel at the mole-in-a-jar!

The Bay science team from Arc, Artecology, The Common Space, Dinosaur Isle and The National Poo Museum will all be here, and it’s free for all the family!

So come and see us in the Education Room, Dinosaur Isle, Culver Parade, Sandown PO36 8QA.

What is Discovery Bay?
Discovery Bay is all about revealing the extraordinary world and lifelong inspiration to be found in the natural resource of Sandown Bay… there’s 100 million years of wildlife along that 5 mile curve!

With the help of ecologists, scientists, artists, biologists and just plain enthusiasts, the Bay Coastal Community team have been running a full Discovery Bay calendar… from British Science Week in February, a Spring filled with Beach, Bugs & Bones, the spectacular Hullabaloo, and now we’re all gearing up for a Bay celebration of national Biology Week and Earth Sciences Week!