Fabulous vintage fun at the Royal Revival

Pay day is fast approaching (or may have already arrived for some of you) so how about treating yourself to a fabulous night out before battening down the hatches in the run-up to the Christmas season.

Friday 5th October sees the return to the Isle of Wight of Lili La Scala, the little Diva with the big voice, as she entertains guests at the Royal Revival.

The evening starts at 6pm in the Conservatory with Bellini cocktails whilst the resident pianist tinkles away on the ivories.

Lili La Scala will perform her first set before diners head to the award-winning restaurant to enjoy a three course dinner.

After dinner, Lili will be back for her second set. With her vintage pin-up looks and the voice of a nightingale, this little Diva with the big voice will certainly give you something to smile about.

Described by The Metro as “Impeccable … mesmerising … perfect”, the newspaper gave Lili a five star rating.

Book now
Some places are still available if you book fast.

Dinner and Lili La Scala is £55 per person or you can treat yourself even more by making a stopover at the Hotel for £130 per person (includes event and overnight accommodation).

Call The Royal on 852 186 or see the website.

A note on fashion
Vintage fashion for the evening programme is de rigueur. The timeline is 1920’s-1950’s. It’s all about having a bit of nostalgic fun.

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