Delilah Monaghan

Find out how you can help Delilah’s dream come true

Terminally ill Islander Delilah Monaghan has a dream to go to Disneyland Paris to meet the beautiful Princesses. Her parents have just been told by doctors there is nothing more they can do to stop the tumour inside her growing, so Samantha Medway has set up a Go Fund Me Page to help make Delilah’s dream come true.

Surgery that may give Delilah’s family a little more time with her is due to take place this week.

Delilah’s Dad, Dan Monaghan, said,

“A quick update on Delilah and not one I particularly ever wanted to write, but in the last couple of days we have learned Delilah’s tumour has grown back. Despite numerous bouts of chemo and radiotherapy for the tumour, Delilah also has a twisted loop in her bowel, this is preventing Delilah from passing anything, so she is nil by mouth. Due to this they cannot do the CT scan to see where the tumour is situated, but it is in the same place as the last one that was there.

“Delilah’s consultant, Dr Ramya, has always been honest with us and said she would always tell us when the time came that there is nothing more they can do, that day came today.

“If Delilah’s bowel loops do not settle down in the next 48 hours then surgery will happen, Mr Wheeler, Delilah’s surgeon, has said if he does surgery he will also go in and remove the tumour that is there. This is a small glimmer of hope for us, that by some miracle, he could remove the tumour and it not return, but again Dr Ramya feels this is highly unlikely, it could however give us more time with Delilah.”

You can help
The fundraising is going well with £640 of the £1,000 target already reached.

If you can spare anything to help get Delilah to Disneyland pop over to the GoFundMe page and make your donation.