cyber security

Find out more about Cyber Security at Cafe Scientifique

Professor Vladimiro Sassone from the Electronics and Computer Science Department at Southampton University will be travelling to the Isle of Wight tonight (Monday) to talk on Cyber Security.

His research interests span over trust, anonymity, privacy, cyber controls, and the security of clouds, industrial control systems and the Internet of things.

Where and when
The talk take place on Monday 13th February at 7pm.

All talks are held in the Regency Suite at Shanklin Conservative Club. For those who do not know The Regency Suite, it is above the Conservative Club in Shanklin in Palmerston Road, just off The High Street.

The nearest car parks are in Landguard Road and Orchardleigh Road, both only two or three minutes walk away. Parking is free after 6pm.

A donation of £3 is requested to ensure the group can cover their expenses. ie. room hire, cost of speakers’ travel expenses and a meal, plus overnight accommodation if needed.

What is Cafe Scientifique?
Cafe Scientifique is a club for those interested in the latest ideas in science and technology.

There are many Cafe Scientifique clubs around the country, held in coffee shops, pubs or bars, all aiming to provide a forum for debating science issues in a relaxed environment.

Those organising the events are committed to promoting public engagement with science and to making science accountable.

Image: Blue Coat under CC BY 2.0

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