Unhappy child

Free breakfasts on offer for Isle of Wight parents and children

Trevor Blaney from the Pop Up Soup Kitchen has announced that with the help of Morrisons, they will be offering free breakfasts weekday for children and parents from tomorrow (20th November).

The man behind the organisation that helps feed the homeless all year round, and the Waste Not Want Not Charity Shop/Cafe in Newport made the announcement on Facebook last night.

Huge spike in requests for assistance
Trevor says,

“With the roll-out of Universal Credit, Black Friday approaching and the negative financial pressures of Christmas, we have noticed a huge spike in the requests for assistance. Our volunteers voted unanimously to do something about it and to put our new premises at 67a High Street Newport to immediate use.

“From this Tuesday Morning (20th November), we and with the help of Morrison’s Newport, would like to offer parents and their school children free breakfasts on weekdays from 6.45am until 9am.”

On offer
Breakfasts will consist of a choice of fruit, cereal, toast and jams and drinks (while stocks last).

We ask, younger children must be accompanied by a responsible adult, and we cannot accommodate individuals who may have certain allergens.

He said,

“There is no need for any child to go to school feeling hungry.

“The Soup Kitchen, Waste Not Want Not and the people who supply and donate to our cause are ‘Making Compassion the New Currency on our Island’.”

More info
Waste Not Want Not is based at 67a High Street, Newport.

Find out more via the Facebook Page.

Image: BFS_man under CC BY 2.0

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