Those two brave (crazy) guys attempting to paddle across the Solent on Sunday in a pedalo have successfully managed so far to raise at least
£1,700 £2350 towards their target of £5,000.
Before you do a double take, yes, you did read that correctly, two guys pedalling across the Solent (a main shipping lane) in a pedalo.
The chosen pedalo is in the shape of a duck, so expect to see it gracefully gliding across the water, oblivious to all the action happening under water (well, you might just be able to see their knees moving up and down).
The cash raised will be donated to the Wessex Rehabilitation Centre at Salisbury District Hospital a cause close to the heart of Mike Boss the brainchild of the event.
It’s thought that they will leave the other side of the Solent at around 8.30am and should reach Ryde by about 11.30ish.
Please do try and spare a little for this worthy cause – these guys have been busting a gut to get publicity and expsoure, bnut have a long way to go to make the £5,000 target.
You can donate online over at the JustGiving Website