Green Lobby Group Day in Newport

Many thanks to friend, contributor and reader of VB, Lois Prior, for this write up of an event that she was involved with last week. Ed

Day of Action DisplaySome Ladies of the Wight got together with ‘Friends of the Earth’ on Thursday last week (17th September) to show their support of wind energy.

Keen to support the Island’s Eco-Island vision and to dispel many myths surrounding wind turbines, they spent the day in St James’ Square collecting letters of support and signatures to hand into the council before the Planning meeting in October, which will discuss the Cheverton Farm wind turbine application.

“It is easier to say ‘no’ than to say’ yes’ to a proposal such as this, as people feel there is a lot at stake, but are we just burying our heads in the sand about the real issues of energy security and climate change?” said Lois Prior, one of the group. “These issues are not going to go away. We are not saying that using wind turbines are the only way to produce our own energy, or even an ideal long-term solution, but for our immediate needs and obligations, it is a system that currently has the most going for it.

“While we come to rely more and more on the Middle East for our oil, and Russia for our gas, our energy security risks will grow. Wind energy is one of the few options that the Isle of Wight has available to produce its own energy supply until something comes along that surpasses the wind turbines. ”

As well as collecting signatures and letters, there was free face painting for children and pro-wind goodies and information being given away.

You can email the ‘green ladies of the Wight’ on ecoislandlobbygroup(at) .