Spring landscape showing green field and sea in the background

Green Party advocates for investment in genuine low carbon energy solutions

The Isle of Wight Green Party welcome ExxonMobil’s decision not to pursue the Solent CO2 pipeline, and urge the Labour government to rule out any future plans which would damage the fragile habitats of the Solent and the Isle of Wight.

Critchison: This project would have had major impact on our special designated areas
Responding to Exxon’s decision, Green Party  IW Councillor Claire Critchison said,

“This is a huge relief for the Isle of Wight and New Forest residents. This project would have had major impact on our special designated areas and tourism as well as the safety aspects which were a major concern.

“I thank all the landowners, residents and interested parties that have been involved in the campaign to stop the pipeline.

“It has been a Solent-wide effort to ensure we do not destroy irreplaceable landscapes in the name of climate change solutions.”

Lowthion: Public money should not be given to subsidise the oil industry
Local party spokesperson Vix Lowthion added,

“Carbon capture and storage projects are attractive to the big oil companies because they extend the life of high carbon emission oil and gas production.

“Our public money should not be given to subsidise the oil industry. Instead we should be investing in clean energy projects including green hydrogen generated from water and renewable electricity.

“I urge the Labour government to shift their investment in CCS to genuine low carbon energy production and bring prices down for us all.”

News shared by Vix on behalf of Isle of Wight Green Party. Ed