Vix Lowthion and Cameron Palin

Green Party candidates unveil plan to tackle Isle of Wight poverty

News shared by Vix Lowthion, in her own words. Ed

IW Green Party MP candidates, Vix Lowthion and Cameron Palin, have laid out their plan to address poverty and inequality across the Isle of Wight if elected on 4th July.

The Island has incredibly high levels of poverty and deprivation, with 12 areas in the top 20% most deprived in England and recently released End Child Poverty Coalition figures state that 35.9% of Island children live in poverty.

Both Vix and Cameron work in Island schools and directly see the effect of the insecurity of food, housing and employment on families, as well as the impact on physical and mental health and wellbeing of tens of thousands of Islanders.

Push the next government to be bolder and braver
A Green MP for either Isle of Wight seat would push the next government to be bolder and braver when it comes to tackling poverty.

Measures that the Greens would would push to introduce include increasing the minimum wage, especially for younger workers, upping Universal Credit by £40 a week, free school meals for all primary school children and £1.4 billion investment in Sure Start centres.

Lowthion: Prioritising measures to raise people out of poverty
Vix Lowthion, Green candidate for Isle of Wight East is being supported by the East Wight Primary initiative as their best tactical choice to beat the Conservatives. She said:

“Urban areas in Ryde and Ventnor are some of the most deprived in the country.

“A Green MP for IW East would prioritise measures to raise people out of poverty and ensure that families could afford food on the table and a roof over their heads. I would push a Labour government to change their plans and remove the two child benefit cap – research states that this would take 300,000 children out of poverty around the country.

“The next Parliament could be really transformative for the Island. A Green MP would be determined to reduce poverty levels here. There’s serious momentum behind our campaign right now – please vote to reduce deprivation on the Island on 4th July.”

The Isle of Wight council is currently developing an Anti-Poverty Strategy for the Island. The Residents’ Survey is live until the end of June.