Sketch of the touring poo aquarium

Help dispel poo taboos with the National Poo Museum’s groundbreaking tour

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Dan Roberts from the National Poo Museum, which is based in former the public conveniences by Sandown Barracks shares this unexpected appeal to Islanders. In his own words. Ed

The National Poo Museum is creating a country-wide touring exhibit and we’d like you to be part of it – literally. Our aim is to challenge the common view of poo as something negative and reveal it as a vital and fascinating part of life on Earth.

We also want to help get rid of the taboo around poo which costs so many lives every year due to embarrassment about seeking medical help for bowel problems.

This is a tall order (not to say a big job) but we have a plan!

  1. Bath University, the charity Guts UK and The National Poo Museum are jointly organising a national survey of people’s poos according to the Bristol Stool Scale.
  2. The National Poo Museum is building a beautiful illuminated aquarium. Circulating inside it will be a collection of poos from people in the local community, preserved in our transparent poo spheres. We hope to add to this collection poos donated by well-known people from around the country. The exhibit will first go on a tour of the Isle of Wight, hosted by local libraries and later travel round the country, gathering more poos as it goes.

Challenging the idea that poo is shameful
Together we can challenge the idea that poo is shameful. If people are willing to display their poos in a public exhibition and if we can make it beautiful, how can this continue to be a source of embarrassment?

Each person who donates is asked to contribute a short message as well as a poo. Messages will include the person’s name and be displayed separately from the poos in the aquarium. The poos themselves will be anonymous.

Selection will be based partly on the contributor’s message.

Get in touch
If you are interested in being part of this pioneering artwork, please email [email protected] and we’ll let you know how make a contribution or try to answer any questions you have.

We’ll make donation as easy as possible, providing a collection kit that fits in your loo and picking it up when you’re ready. (No unarranged deposits please!)

Something out of the ordinary that takes guts
There’s no commitment – we know this is something out of the ordinary that definitely takes guts, and if you change your mind after enquiring, that’s fine. If you know of someone else who you think would like to contribute, please share this invitation with them.

To give you an idea of what we’re working on, the sketch above shows you the idea. If you’re thinking ‘giant Galileo Thermometer’ your thinking is quite right!