Shane Moody, Clinical director for end of life care

Help shape end of life care services on the isle of Wight at free community event

The Isle of Wight NHS Trust is in the process of developing its end-of-life care services and is inviting people to join a community conversation to help shape the next three-year strategy.

As part of the important programme of work to shape the Island’s next Health and Care Plan 2022 to 2025, healthcare providers are working together to ensure that people’s views and experiences play a significant role in developing the roadmap in improving services.

“What matters most to you about end of life care?”
The Isle of Wight NHS Trust wants to collaborate further with the community to meet their needs and everyone is welcome to join a public meeting to share “What matters most to you about end of life care?”

Get involved by going along on Tuesday 24th May 2022 anytime between 12.30pm and 3.30pm to the Little London Room at The Riverside Centre, Newport.

Moody: Essential we understand what is important to our community
The conversation will be led by Shane Moody, Clinical Director for End of Life Care Services at Isle of Wight NHS Trust.

Shane (pictured above) said,

“In order to ensure that everyone has the best possible care at the end of their life it is essential we understand what is important to our community.

“As an NHS Trust we provide end of life services and we want to ensure we meet the wishes and preferences of those we care for and to work with our patients on a plan that meets their needs.”

Register to attend
Whether you can make 20 minutes or the full three hours, please let the NHS team know you are planning to attend by completing an Eventbrite registration as booking is essential.

Free refreshments will be available.

News shared by Isle of Wight NHS Trust, in their own words. Ed