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Help shape future recycling and waste collection on the Isle of Wight

The annual residents’ recycling and waste survey has been launched yesterday (Monday) and will run until Friday 14th January 2022.

We are asking for your views and ideas on how the Island can recycle more and reduce its waste.

In top 25 of Local Authorities in England for recycling rate
Cabinet lead for environment, heritage and waste, Cllr Jonathan Bacon, said,

“We are already in the top 25 of Local Authorities in England for our recycling rate of 55.7 per cent and we are keen to improve this even further next year, with your help.

“Residents have already shown that they are up for the challenge of reducing their waste and I would like to thank everyone for their efforts so far. This survey is your chance to give us ideas and suggestions on how we could improve our waste and recycling services more so we’d really like to hear from you.”

Contract delivered by Amey
The Isle of Wight Council is responsible for the collection, treatment and disposal of household recyclables and waste on the Island — which is delivered through a contract with Amey.

Natasha Dix, strategic manager for contracts, waste and environment, said,

“I would also like to thank our residents for joining the recycling journey with us.

“Once the survey has finished, we’ll use the results to review and look at possible improvements to the existing services. So it’s more important than ever that you make sure you have your say in good time.”

Further information about the survey is on the website

Complete the survey online
The consultation launches today and will run until midnight on Friday 14th January 2022.

You can fill the survey in online

Paper versions will be available by request. Please direct requests for paper copies by emailing [email protected]  or call (01983) 823777.

Paper copies will also be available at all council-run local libraries.  

If filling in a paper copy of this survey, please return by 5pm on Monday 17th January 2022 to:

Waste Management
County Hall
High Street
PO30 1UD

Unfortunately, no responses received after the closing date can be considered by the council.

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed

Image: Pablo Zuchero under CC BY 2.0