Victoria Barracks in east cowes - google maps

Historic Victoria Barracks set for revival as new education and training facility

The historic, but ‘neglected’, Victoria Barracks, on East Cowes Esplanade could be restored into an education and training facility with residential boarding accommodation as plans move a step closer.

It has been earmarked as a new base for UKSA on the other side of the River Medina and is part of the £5.8 million regeneration plans for the area.

The Isle of Wight council’s planning committee will determine the application at its meeting on Tuesday, 21st March.

Recommended for approval
Officers have recommended the scheme for approval, as it is an ‘opportunity to tackle the poor condition of the buildings’ and bring a vacant site back into use, supporting the regeneration of the seafront.

The barracks were built in 1872 to accommodate Queen Victoria’s troops.

Recently they were used as a set for the Britbox TV show The Beast Must Die.

Vacant in recent years
The building’s condition has fallen into a poor state of repair and is unsuitable for occupation, planning agents ERMC said, as it is has been vacant in recent years.

As part of the Levelling Up funding awarded to the Isle of Wight council by the government, the authority is looking to bring a new lease of life to the building by restoring and extending the barracks.

What the Barracks would become
Under the plans, the barracks would house a common room, meeting area, sleeping accommodation, bathrooms, wash-up area, laundry, storeroom, a canteen and kitchen.

As it is in a flood zone, it is proposed that the sleeping accommodation would be above the predicted flood level and the flooring raised.

Ecology measures are recommended to avoid any harmful impact on protected species and to enhance the site for wildlife, including sensitive lighting, timing of works and bird and bat boxes.

A visitor destination and sailing mecca
In a report to the planning committee, officers say the proposed works would be sensitive to the history and character of the building, as well as the original Victorian architecture, but have a significant positive effect.

The proposal, they say, would promote the revitalisation of the seafront and regeneration of East Cowes and ‘further promote the Island as a visitor destination and sailing mecca’.

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed

Image: © Google Maps/Streetview