Sister at hospital

Hospital charity buys more equipment for Medical Assessment Unit

George shares this latest news on behalf of the Friends of St Mary’s Hospital. Ed

The Friends have purchased yet more wall-mounted vital signs machines for the Medical Assessment Unit at St Mary’s Hospital.

Last year the charity agreed to buy four such machines, which monitor patients’ blood pressure and oxygen levels through a probe on a finger; now it has agreed to find £4,228 for another seven.

Expressing her gratitude, Sister Jesse Gulati (below) said,

“The first batch of machines have been such a success. The ability to do these checks in the room occupied by a patient reduces infection.

“We are also aware of the current challenges being faced by the Island, and an increasingly ageing population with associated medical issues. In the light of this we are currently focusing on improving the dementia-friendly status of the ward.

“By removing additional obstacles and making our equipment more discreet we can help reduce the distress experienced by many dementia sufferers when placed in a busy, clinical, environment.”

New footstool
The Friends also spent £454 on an upholstered footstool, to support patients who wish to sit out in a chair. Visiting families found lack of stools significantly impacted on their stay.

Image: Sister Gulati with one of the vital signs machines