Box jellyfish on Sandown Beach by Ian Hardy

If you see Jellyfish on Isle of Wight beaches please let the MCS know

Seems to be the season for Jellyfish appearing on our shores again and readers have been sharing their photos across social media.

Share your findings
If you do spot Jellyfish let the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) know.

They’re hoping to learn more about the leatherback turtles that are visiting our seas, by finding out more about their favourite prey – Jellyfish.

Box Jellyfish?
This shot above was captured by Ian Hardy on Sandown beach, he asks whether anyone can identify it, wondering if it’s a Box Jellyfish.

Last week (20th June), Michael Douse from East Cowes managed to capture shots of this Monster Jellyfish at the Marina North Gate.

Monster Jellyfish at East Cowes Marina North Gate 1600hrs 20-06-15 Michael Douse

Monster Jellyfish at East Cowes Marina North Gate 1600hrs 20-06-15 Michael Douse

Monster Jellyfish at East Cowes Marina North Gate 1600hrs 20-06-15 Michael Douse

The Guide
The MCS provide this great guide to Jellyfish, so if you spot anything you’ll be able to identify it before completing the survey.

Click on the full screen icon to see larger version.