Island cyclist takes on the Liss Time Trial

Thanks to Jack for this latest report from the Wightlink-LCM Systems Cycle Race Team. Ed

Based on the A3, the course started on a slip road and turned southbound for five miles before James Ebdon in TT action turning left and going over a roundabout, then over the flyover before heading back for the remaining five miles.

With good conditions and a course that suited Ebdon’s riding style, he knew a fast time was possible.

A slight tailwind for the outward leg meant Ebdon reached the turn in just over nine minutes which is an average speed of nearly 32 miles per hour.

Coming back into the headwind he pushed hard and clocked a time of 20:56 for the 10 mile course.

This took a further 47 seconds off his PB and gave him third place on the night out of 80 starters.