The company behind the purchase of Priory Bay Hotel say they will invest a whopping £30m in the Isle of Wight hospitality industry over the next four years, creating up to 150 new jobs.
A public consultation has opened for two coastal areas off the Isle of Wight to become Marine Conservation Zones. It's proposed the areas become part of 41 ‘blue belt’ sites.
A collection of Bembridge residents took a large inflatable biscuit to Bembridge Parish Council meeting to show their support for their fellow resident who previously got into trouble for offering biscuits to the clerk.
Cllr Lilley claims that the recommendation to remove potential housing development sites from Bembridge in the Island Plan influenced the way members voted on the motion to call-in West Acre Park application
Bembridge Harbour Trust is chosen as the charity partner for Southern Co-op’s Bembridge store and will set aside all money raised to restore the Harbour’s Groyne No 1.
It is understood, should the proposed changes be refused, Conservative councillors would vote against the draft Island Planning Strategy, potentially blocking its adoption and delaying the process longer