Council chamber, papers on desks with pa microphones

Islanders welcome to attend Wednesday’s Power-deciding first council meeting – but numbers are limited

Isle of Wight council has confirmed to News OnTheWight that a limited number of residents will be able attend tomorrow’s (Wednesday 26th May) first council meeting.

The meeting is expected to be a juicy one.

There is no single party with enough votes to just stroll into power, so who is in charge of the Isle of Wight council will all be down to the voting on the night.

Not at County Hall
Unusually, the meeting will not be held at County Hall, instead the venue will be a sports hall at 1Leisure (Medina Leisure Centre) – we’re told this is due to social distancing and capacity constraints within the hall.

The meeting is due to start at 5pm. News OnTheWight are planning to report live from the meeting.