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Isle of Wight council offers community grants to combat cost-of-living crisis

Projects making a difference in their community could be eligible for a funding boost.

The Isle of Wight council has launched its latest round of community grants and is inviting applications from new or existing schemes helping people in financial hardship due to the cost-of-living crisis.

Supporting low-income households
The scheme is there for a wide range of low-income households in need including families with children, older age people, unpaid carers and those living with a disability. All may be facing acute challenges.

The funds could be used for projects based around food, energy efficient white goods, small kitchen appliances, energy saving items like lightbulbs, warm packs and draft excluders and weather appropriate clothing and wider essentials.

The council would welcome applications from community and voluntary groups, including community pantries, as well as education provisions, town, parish and community councils.

Don’t miss the deadline
The deadline for applications is Monday, 3rd June.

Further grant schemes are planned for the end of June, July and August.

For more information, including how to apply for a community grant, please visit the council’s cost-of-living webpages. 

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed