We report live from the chamber so you don’t have to make the journey to Newport to find out how councillors scrutinise the Fire Service Review and other items.
Debate on the reversal of the decision to move the fire control centre off the Island was blocked on Wednesday event at full council. Read what led to this.
One member of the Scrutiny Committee said the plans put them 'at risk of corporate manslaughter'. The responsible Cabinet member gave assurances the plans were safe.
Almost the entire council voted to reconsider the charges, after a petition of 3,851 signatures was put before last night’s full council meeting by Ryde town councillor, Karen Lucioni, including Cabinet members.
A group of Islanders unhappy about proposed cuts to council services, such as the Local Area Co-ordinator Programme, the loss of fire service personnel and the potential end of the travel subsidy for patients attending mainland appointments, will be protesting outside County Hall.
After 37 years of daily looking after their brain-damaged son, recent forced cutbacks make Isle of Wight couple in their 70s feel they have no option but to give up caring for their son.