Hospital corridor

Isle of Wight NHS in Special Measures: Roundup of responses

As was predicted by many over the last few weeks, the latest Inspection Report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has recommended that the Isle of Wight NHS Trust is placed into Special Measures.

Several bodies have responded to the news this morning. For full details from each follow the links below:

Inadequate leadership
A number of issues have been highlighted by Inspectors in the report (see below), some that still exist from the previous inspection in 2014, but their summary of findings stretches over four pages in the report.

Inspectors found that despite the pressures, there were many areas where staff were dedicated and committed to patient care but that leadership was Inadequate.

The individual ratings
The CQC rate health services on whether it is Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led.

Below are the individual ratings for each of the services under the Isle of Wight NHS Trust.

Click on image to see larger version
CQC rating for the IW NHS Trust
CQC rating for the St Mary's Hopsital
CQC rating for the IW Ambulance Service
CQC rating for the IW Community Health Services
CQC rating for the IW Mental Health Services

The Reports
Click on the full screen icon to see larger versions.

Image: lucid_nightmare under CC BY 2.0