Becky Storey from WightAID Foundation share this latest news. Ed
In May alone, WightAID granted £10,233 to the following six local community groups. Since their launch in September 2016 WightAID have granted £268,681 through 117 grants.
The latest round of funding is set out below.
Suicide Prevention & Intervention IOW seek to save lives across our Island. Their team specialise in prevention, intervention, education and training to minimise the risk of individuals taking their own lives.
They work within a multi agency team to ensure different specialist work together in times of crisis, offering also a 48 hour follow up to those who have had contact with the front line team.
This team has been granted £3,151 to purchase vital equipment required when attending a search and rescue, such as a thermal imaging camera, torches, a radio system and an IPAD to maintain communications.
Brading Community Partnership provide a community hub which is open 5 days a week, catering for all ages and abilities. They run different social and support groups as well as providing a successful youth club.
Their grant for £500 will go towards a projector and screen which is required as part of running the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, as well as being accessible to other groups in which use the facilities.
Break the Cycle provide a Mind the Gap course on the Isle of Wight for victims of violent and abusive relationships which provide post relationship esteem and confidence building.
They have been granted £3,082 to cover the costs of the next 12 module course which is free for participants.
“One person has changed the way she thinks and has found the courage to eject the perpetrator of domestic abuse from her house, having been too scared to take any action for the past 15 years.”
Jigsaw Family Support are a contact centre who provide temporary support for families following difficult separations. They offer a safe and relaxed environment for supervised and supported child contact arrangements.
They have been granted £2,500 towards their upcoming managing separation workshops which entitle early intervention for parents and their families to reduce conflict, and ensure effective communication is in place to reduce the impact on the children.
Wight Diamonds Marching Band were found in 2000, they form a community band who have been granted £500 towards van hire to allow them to attend the Kingston Borough Bands in May 2020. This is a non-competitive tattoo where a number of bands demonstrate their marching and playing skills to each other and to an audience open to members of the public.
This event allows the band members to enjoy a new experience, gain new skills and build friendships with others who have similar interests to their own. WightAID Trustees also made the decision to grant the band their ferry travel which is required for the event.
Friends of St Thomas’ Association (FOSTA) have been granted £500 towards a Weather Station and Software.
This shall be linked to the schools computers and website in which will enhance the children’s experiences and skills towards the geography and science curriculum.
Find out more
For more information about how you can support WightAID, or how to apply for a grant, please visit our website or contact one of the team on 01983 555915.