changed priorities

Isle of Wight NHS: Out with Company Secretary, in with ‘people focused’ Director

In May 2016, OnTheWight reported the finances of the IW NHS Trust and CCG were such in a position that required immediate attention.

Almost a year on and an Improvement Director has been appointed with a restructure of the service being considered as part of the Sustainability and Transformation Plan.

New ‘people focused’ director
In her Friday message to staff, CEO Karen Baker told staff that a new Director would be appointed. She said,

“During February and March I have been consulting with the Executive Directors and their direct reports about a proposal to change the Executive structure. The consultation closed on 17th March and I have this week been considering the feedback. In discussion with others we have taken some decisions around the future structure, which I need to share with you now.

“We have been undertaking a lot of work on supporting staff but our recent staff survey, although showing some ‘green shoots’, indicates that we have a substantial way to go in terms of organisational development and really demonstrating consistently that we value our staff – the most important part of the organisation ………… the Board and I have agreed that we need to appoint a director focusing on our people – a clear investment in organisational development and human resources.”

Company Secretary to be scrapped
The CEO went on to reveal the first casualty of the restructure of services on the Island, Mark Price, the Company Secretary.

She said,

“I have also concluded that we should remove the role of Company Secretary from the structure. The role of Company Secretary was originally introduced with the primary purpose of supporting the Trust in preparing for Foundation Trust (FT) status but the Trust made a conscious decision last year that we would not become a Foundation Trust. We favour instead a service model which will lead us to greater integration with partners on the Island.

“This is of course all subject to due process which is now being put in hand but I wanted to let you know that this is the outcome of the consultation before you read or hear about it in the local media. Changes to the Executive structure once finalised will be implemented over the next few months.”

Awaiting final outcome of CQC inspection
The CQC imposed conditions on the Isle of Wight NHS Trust in December 2016.

Directors are now awaiting the final outcome of the CQC report, which, according to the CQC is due to be published in April.

Image: redvers under CC BY 2.0