Johnny Dee: A Wight Dunce

Johnny Dee: A Wight DunceIt’s a shame that The Guardian has to parade its level of ignorance of what the Isle of Wight is like these days, by publishing articles like Johnny Dee’s today.

Writing about the monarchy, clearly makes dear Johnny feel like he’s actually part of the royalty, as he adopts his best regal tone, opening a paragraph with, “One suspects.” He continues, “this was all the idea of some judicious aide tasked with finding the least exciting place on earth.”

One suspects he was rather pleased with his next sentence too, “Indeed, if there are strippers on the Isle of Wight one imagines them to be Miss Marple-themed and to give away free fudge at the end.”

He’s clearly not a reader of the Country Press : ) (is such a thing possible with 92% of the population of the Earth reading it on a daily basis?).

Well we guess there’s an advantage of Johnny’s ignorance – he won’t be bothering us on the Island any time soon.

Photo thanks to Grant Neufeld