With the contract for support for unpaid cares coming to an end next year, a survey has been launched by the Isle of Wight council asking unpaid carers for their views on the support they receive.
With vacancies on several committees, councillors have been criticised for not pulling their weight in the chamber. Meanwhile Reg Barry has been a councillor since 1993 and never missed a full council meeting
The inspector said teaching was not good enough and ‘confused’ pupils did not make enough progress, but the Executive Headteacher said that staff and pupils had worked extremely hard and the inspectors recognised the strengths in the school.
Among the long list of failures found at the kitchen was a packet of salami with a 'use before' date of March and an open pack of vegan cheese stored among cooked meats
The councillors unanimously voted to object to the major development of the Grade I listed building into a luxury, five-star hotel, by the Norris Castle Estate Group