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Letter: Community rallies behind new head teacher at primary school earmarked for closure

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Aviv Goode, a Wroxall parent. Ed

Readers will by now (we hope) be aware ad nauseum of the Isle of Wight council’s intention to close five Island schools.

In my view, these schools appear to have been selected in a pseudoscientific eenie-meany-miny-mo process, evaluated carefully against an ever-changing and invisible matrix, and meticulously audited by what we can only imagine is a combination of astrology and tea leaf readings.

It is what it is, and we are fighting it as hard as we can because that’s what you do for your children, and that’s what you should do for your community.

Something more positive
I do not expect readers to carry on reading our frustration around poor data collection, pure contempt for families and children and the like. What I wanted to tell you about is much more positive.

Wroxall primary has had the benefit of a new Head Teacher this year, Ms. Hopkinson. Ms. Hopkinson joined our wonderful school on 1st September 2024 after a period of instability, with a turnover of a previous head and interim head, who I am sure did their best with what they had.

On 2nd September 2024, Ms. Hopkinson along with the wider school community learned that Wroxall Primary was being named for potential closure. What a way to start a job! Despite this, Ms. Hopkinson has provided excellent leadership to staff, provided stability to the children who have been understandably anxious about the threat of closure, and filled the school community with a sense of hope and optimism.

She’s emanated a sense of calm and stability
Ms. Hopkinson has modelled resilience for our children and the wider community. She has emanated a sense of calm and stability in a time of much uncertainty. We all know that change does not happen overnight. We know every school (and this includes Wroxall Primary) has areas of opportunity in which it can improve.

It’s a shame the council are not allowing for the time to see the fruits of Ms. Hopkinson’s leadership.

Our thanks to Ms. Hopkinson
The parent and wider community of Wroxall Primary School want to thank Ms. Hopkinson for her dedication and continued support for our school, our children and our community.

It is not taken for granted and we see you and what you do. We will continue to support Ms. Hopkinson and the school, as we do our children to save Wroxall Primary.