Parliament from westminster bridge with pink sunset in the background
Image: ian kelsall under CC BY 2.0

Letter: Conservative governance leaves UK with soaring debt and vulnerable children in poverty

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Paula Winthrop, Godshill. Ed

Rishi Sunak made his £multi-million fortune working for an investment fund that bet against Britain during the 2008 Financial crisis, loading the Royal Bank of Scotland with sub-prime debt that we the British taxpayer are still to this day paying for.  

Indeed, in my opinion, the whole ethos of the Conservative Party is that the taxpayer pays for everything whilst they divide up the booty, and their VIP friends, like Michele Mone, sail off with the spoils.

Blaming others
We’ve got the highest rate of taxation since the Second World War, and for what? Public Services in chaos, an NHS on its knees, and waterways swimming with sewage.

Having saddled our Country with a National  debt level that is rising exponentially, Conservatives now have the audacity to want another five years in government, bleating on about it being the Pandemic, or Putin, what done it.

Fiscal incompetence
No, NHS waiting lists were rising through the roof long before Covid-19, and the dis-investment in anything and everything has been going on for over fourteen years, our armed forces are at half the manned capacity they were ten years ago, school building all over the country are collapsing with RAAC, we’ve got an immigration system in complete chaos due to lack of investment, that’s now costing £billions for a listeria infected barge and hotel accommodation costing the taxpayer a staggering £8million a day. The fiscal incompetence just goes on and on. 

Do they take us for morons?
This governments legacy is over four million of our most vulnerable, children, are living in poverty.

What a disgrace, and the Conservatives think they are re-electable?

What planet are they living on?

How stupid do they really think British electorate are?