bench with polling station notice on it

Letter: I refuse to support vote swapping and tactical alliances in our elections

News OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Simon Wratten, Wootton. Ed

I am writing in reply to the letter you published from Harry, the 30 year old nurse, who asked if anyone in the Isle of Wight East would ‘swap votes’ with him.

I for one definitely won’t be offering to swap and have to say I also really dislike the alliance idea that the Green Party candidate for IW East, Vix Lowthion, supports in a bid to stop the Conservative candidates getting in.

Vote for who best represents your views
In my opinion, you should vote for the person standing in your constituency who best represents your views, and if there is no such person, then personally I would rather not vote at all rather than give my vote to someone I don’t believe in.

If Harry is truly a Green, and believes in the values of the Green candidate for IW West, Cameron Palin, then Harry should vote for him.

Won’t vote Green, Labour or LibDem
Like Harry, I think the Tories have been dreadful, but it would be hypocritical of me to vote for a Green candidate as I have gas central heating, drive a diesel car and take flights abroad.

I certainly won’t be voting for any Labour candidate whilst wishy-washy, Kier Starmer is their leader and with the modern Liberal Democratic Party looking more like the Communist Party than a party with centralist values, they won’t be getting my vote either.

Five weeks to earn my vote
That leaves the Reform Party, who seem to be the only ones looking balanced and reasonable, but Sarah Morris certainly won’t be getting my vote by default, she has five weeks in which to earn it.