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Letter: Isle of Wight NEU raises alarm over education policy changes and funding cuts

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OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Peter Shreeve, Assistant District Secretary, Isle of Wight – National Education Union. Ed

On Monday morning (3rd Feb) the Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson delivered a speech setting out a ‘new era’ on school standards to the Centre for Social Justice.

It was dominated by the need to do more and to remove barriers to learning.

She acknowledged right from the start: ‘More teachers in our classrooms means more attention for our children’.

Yet, is this achievable, when

  • more real terms education cuts are coming in 2025/6?
  • poverty is increasing?
  • children’s needs are growing?
  • the Prime Minister’s agrees with the recommendation of the teacher’s pay review body, but won’t fully fund it?

Instead, Sir Keir Starmer will be making ‘efficiency savings’ – even more school cuts. Failing to meet children’s needs even more. 

Bridget Phillipson said, the solution to improving 600 ‘stuck schools’ nationally, is to bring in experts, who have ‘been there and done it’.

Some Island schools have tried that, but after instigating changes, leaders often disappear with ‘alleged’ improvements short lived. Hardly plans that created stability, progress or value for money.

Unsurprisingly, schools are struggling – the ‘old era’ of austerity and inadequate education funding has not gone away.