East Cowes Roadworks

Letter: Just how much thought was put to this ‘necessary’ project?

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This letter by a ‘concerned resident’ from East Cowes. Ed

The ongoing road works and refinishing (whenever that might be) have turned the narrow and normally quieter roads in East Cowes into hectic and potentially dangerous ‘highways’!

With traffic from the ferry, many of which are unfamiliar with the area driving (and some at speed!) along narrow streets, where passing is only normally possible when one car pulls over.

How much thought was put into plans?
Some streets, Old Road for instance, have no footpaths, so pedestrians are genuinely and, I seriously hope, not put at risk!

Just how much thought was put to this ‘necessary’ project is a topic residents would like to know? 

Many have wondered how the normal close/work on one side of the road at a time, albeit with the unfortunate traffic lights control was not possible? 

Concerns ignored
It’s again unfortunate that many locals believe their concerns have just been disregarded and ignored.

My hope is no one hurt or their property or vehicle’s gets damaged.
And yes I am one of those residents watching ferry traffic passing within a few feet (many at speed) every hour.   

Will it be swept under the carpet?
Any thoughts?

Or will the whole thing just be ignored or swept under the carpet!

Image: © Karl Love