Green Party members with candidates and Baroness Jenny Jones on seafront holding banners

Letter: Theme running through every question at hustings – Capitalist ideology has failed UK and Isle of Wight

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from David Moorse, Shanklin. Ed

Having attended the hustings at Brading tonight, there was a common thread which ran through every single question…

Capitalist ideology has failed the UK and has failed the Isle of Wight.

It has failed us in the energy sector, where eye watering profits, dividends and bonuses have soared, along with numbers of families in fuel poverty…

It has failed us in the Water sector, where eye watering profits, dividends and bonuses and astronomical under investment, has come at the expense of, colossal bills and routine, cost-cutting illegal pollution into our rivers and seas…

It is failing us in the Education sector – especially on the Isle of wight, where ALL our previously outstanding schools have either been closed by the Conservatives, or downgraded…

It is failing us in the health and social care sectors which are both on their knees…

Capitalist ideology has failed us in the housing sector, where hard-working families cannot afford to buy or rent a home, whilst property investors boast colossal percentage returns…

Capitalist ideology has failed us in the banking sector, where taxpayers bailed out the banks, yet the bankers and shareholders reap the benefits …

Capitalist ideology has failed us in the transport sector, where the taxpayer props up failing rail companies and ferries extortionate eye watering profits at collosal  expense to islanders and the Island’s economy…

Only the Green party comes close to the radical root and branch tax and nationalisation revolution that is required to run our essential services for people, not for profit, to reinject profits into infrastructure and supporting the most needy.
