poppies by side of road

Letter: Ventnor’s wall lizards and glorious flora should be protected from herbicide sprays

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below

This from Bridget Boudewijn from Ventnor. Ed

In these strange times, when we cannot hug our friends and grandchildren for fear of an unseen enemy, the one thing that lifts my spirits is Nature in all its sparkling beauty: wild poppies in abundance, lizards glistening in every crack and crevice.

So, earlier this week, Island Roads arrived to spray all the kerbside habitats with (in my view) toxic herbicides (Glyphosate).

Why? Their response was that it is written in their contract with the Council, so surely this needs reappraisal. 

Our wall lizards should be protected
Wild flowers are a glorious celebration of Nature. Ventnor wall lizards have colonised our Town over many years, loving our southerly aspect and micro-climate, becoming special and welcome inhabitants.

Ventnor wall lizard
© Benjamin Tonner

Surely, they should be afforded our protection as well as our wonder and affection!

News OnTheWight has posed a number of questions to Isle of Wight council about the herbicide used and will update once we hear back. Ed

Image: © Alpha Perry