Northwood House outside

Major renovation at historic Northwood House underway

This in from Gavin on behalf of Northwood House. Ed

Work has started on a major renovation project at historic Northwood House in Cowes.

The £50,000 project, which is financed through a grant from the Department for Communities and Local Government through their Coastal Revival Fund and administered by the Isle of Wight Council, will see substantial core structural work undertaken to repair the roof and floor above the bar area and main corridors.

Extensive restoration
Once completed, the work will then involve the much needed restoration and support of the rare and original 1830s distinctive domed ceiling in the bar area and redecoration of the surrounding corridors.

The project will include cleaning and re-hanging the chandeliers and repairing the damage and wear caused by the structural issues and the passage of nearly 200 years and many thousands of visitors and guests attending celebrations in the House.

Working with Island businesses
A feature of the project is that the work is being carried out by Island companies in line with the aims of the directors of Northwood House Charitable Trust Co Ltd to support local firms wherever possible.

The structural and steel works have been designed by East Cowes structural engineering and planning company Elmstone Design and the actual steel work, including the lift and insertion of large supporting beams and cables was undertaken by Ventnor-based SJS Fabrications.

Steve Dunford’s decorating team also have an extensive program ahead of them as the entire project has a very tight timescale and every effort is being made not to disturb the Charity’s commercial tenants and the many visitors to the extensive park and grounds.

Inside Northwood House - restoration to the dome

The Coastal Revival Fund grant is administered through the Isle of Wight Council and the Charity has liaised closely with the Council’s Planning and Housing Services team and Historic England, especially given Northwood House’s rich and diverse history and Grade ll* listing.

Completion due end of March
Once completed, the work will bring about a significant structural and aesthetic upgrade to what is an important part of the building’s offering as a leading venue for events and functions. The work is due to be completed at the end of March in time for this year’s ‘wedding season’.

Tim Wander, the Charity’s Project Manager said,

“The project would finally address long-standing structural issues and past water ingress damage which had cause significant cracking, movement and even rendered upstairs rooms unusable.

“The project will also greatly improve and restore to its original splendour a central part of the building and public areas that are widely used today. The House has watched over and supported the town and people of Cowes for over 200 years and this work will ensure it can continue to do so long into the future.”

Janet Allan, Chair of the Charity added,

“This sizeable and complex project is an important part of the ongoing work by the Charity to ensure that the House and the Park remain important assets for the people of Cowes.”