Newport Blooming Green Competition: Deadline 1st May

As part of our commitment to Green Towns, Newport Parish Council is holding an ‘in bloom’ competition with a difference!

Blooming Green logo:Instead of marking your patch by how many flowers are growing, judges will be looking at how sustainable you have made your garden. Categories include:

  • Best for wildlife
  • Butterfly and bees
  • Most productive (growing fruit and veg)
  • Best use of recycled / reclaimed materials
  • Best organic allotment

We will add marks for reduction of water use (from the tap), use of local resources, knowledge of competitor about the benefits of their garden for wildlife and the environment and also future plans. The area to be judged can be any size, from a single raised bed to a whole park.

Anyone with an area within the Newport and Carisbrooke Parish area can enter, not just householders, but schools, care homes, businesses, in fact anyone who maintains a patch of ground.

For more information and to download an application form, go to or contact Maxine Yule on 559119

Judging to take place July 2012.