NHS Isle of Wight Needs Residents For Patients Panel

When the South Central Strategic Health Authority offered the chance for the public to assist in the completion of their recent Public Perceptions Survey, more people from the Island responded to the survey than from anywhere else in the region.

The survey in August 2008 was designed to gauge patient perception of health services in the area, and produced some of the highest ratings in the South for satisfaction with hospitals, GPs, pharmacists and dentists.

The results also showed significant improvements in these services compared with a similar survey completed at the beginning of the year.

The survey also asked whether local residents would be interested in working more closely with the NHS to help improve services, and some 320 Islanders indicated that they would. These residents and other local members of the public are now being invited to participate in a local Patients’ Panel to help support and further develop the area’s health services.

The panel will participate in surveys and questionnaires, discussion and working groups, and represent patients on committees developing policies and services in all aspects of the NHS throughout the local area.

Whether or not you were involved in the original survey, and whatever your age or background, you can still get involved in the Patients’ Panel by emailing [email protected] or contacting St Mary’s Hospital on 01983-534175.