Marion shares this report from last week’s Global Matters meeting. Ed
On Friday 26th July three speakers came to Ventnor as part of the Fringe Festival.
Dr. Rebecca Johnson – Nobel Laureate for Peace, ICAN representative at The United Nations and CND vice president; Vix Lowthion Isle of Wight Green Party Parliamentary Candidate and Julie Hutchinson representative of Isle of Wight XR (Extinction Rebellion.)
Global dangers
The event was titled Global Dangers, covering the dangers facing us all: the continuing world wide destruction of our planet; climate change and the threat posed by nuclear weapons.
Forty nine people listened intently as Rebecca explained her work with the United Nations stressing the importance of involving every country in the legal banning of the use of nuclear weapons. Stressing that the ensuing nuclear winter would be felt first and most by those countries that do not have nuclear weapons.
Fossil fuels and plastics
Vix described the dangers to the Island from the continued use of fossil fuels and the destruction of life by the dumping of plastics in the seas and oceans and stressed the Green Party’s commitment to reducing these abuses to the planet and consequent threat to humanity.
Julie spoke of her own experience and journey, and the need for every one of us to do whatever we can, to protect our environment for future generations.
Extinction Rebellion (XR)
Extinction Rebellion is rapidly growing throughout the world to tackle this multi-faceted issue. XR support the upcoming Global school strike, in which Greta Thunberg has asked not just school children but adults too to show solidarity.
This was the theme of this event – we are all on the same side – and we all need to be talking together and acting together to; Save the planet and with it humanity.
To know more about these issues and the organisations involved, see Web sites or Facebook pages for: Isle of Wight CND; Isle of Wight Green Party; Isle of Wight XR; Stop Ecocide Become an Earth Protector.
Peace vigil
On Saturday 10th August at 11am Isle of Wight CND will hold a vigil to remember the victims of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima on 6th August and Nagasaki on 9th August 1945.
Everyone is welcome to join us at The Peace Tree on Snooks Hill – just off Coppins Bridge roundabout, direction towards Ryde.