Norris Castle exploration video

See Norris Castle, East Cowes from above and inside (Video)

Norris Castle, in East Cowes on the Isle of Wight is usually well hidden from public view. It’s got a fair amount of land around it and its shore line is private too, adding to the challenge of taking a peak at it.

It appears from the video below that someone (YouTube name ‘Abandoned Isle of Wight‘) has taken a drone, flown over it, then had a walk around the once-splendid interior of the historic house.

A long history for Norris Castle
Built in 1795, Norris Castle’s history is long and rich, including Queen Victoria’s desire to buy it in 1844. She judged the asking price too high and built Osborne House instead.

Sold most recently in 2016, it was originally expected to reach £1m, but ended selling for £4.7m, it’s understood it will be redeveloped into a luxury hotel.

The same year, the 143 acre landscape at Norris Castle from Grade II to Grade I by Historic England.

Don’t try it yourself
The owner of the YouTube channel commented on the video:

“No damage was caused to the property during this visit and the site was left as it was found. I would strongly advise against anyone attempting entry to the property as the way in has since been sealed and the site has 24 hour security.”

Watch the exploration video